Local Products: Picknickservice 't Pioniersmegje

Streekproducten Venray e.o.: Picknickservice 't Pioniersmegje
Peter Janssenweg 34
5813 BR

Regional Products

Enjoying a picnic box full of local delicacies from the Peel and the Limburg countryside: that's possible at Picknickservice 't Pioniersmegje from Ysselsteyn.

Owner Marian has put together a beautiful box with the most delicious local and regional products: including entertaining stories from the vendors themselves. Forget the time, enjoy each other and the surroundings.
Marian has a number of beautiful places in nature in store for you. And if the weather is disappointing, there is always a choice for a beautiful indoor location. Or how about a delicious breakfast just at home with a warm blanket?